MakerBot 3D Printer: What Will You Make?
Demonstration of new 3D printer in Seymour College Union, September 10, 11 am – 1 pm.
Ship made from 3D printer in Drake
This fall, a MakerBot 3D printer and scanner are available for student, faculty and staff use. 3D printer applications are being used in medicine, business, education, arts, space exploration and more.
A thin resin filament is heated and extruded to form objects (e.g., nuts and bolts, bookmarks, combs, cookie cutters, toys, etc.). The set-up encourages hands-on design skills and visual thinking.
MakerBot Roadshow Schedule:
• Tuesday, September 10, 11 am - 1 pm, Seymour College Union
The three-dimensional printer and scanner will be housed along with other tech tools (iPads, Nooks, bluetooth keyboards, adapters, outlets, etc.) in Drake Memorial Library.
Thank you to LITS and Faculty Staff Technology grant funding for the 3D printer, scanner and tech tools. If you are interested in learning more, contact Ken Wierzbowski or Wendy Prince, Drake Library.
contact: Ken Wierzbowski at or Wendy Prince at
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