by Pat Baker, Chairperson for Brockport Arts Festival
The arts festival is seeking volunteers to assist Judy Jensen with her program of historic games and activities at the Arts Festival, Aug. 10 & 11. (I realize that some of you will be or are on vacation so please don’t feel you need to let me know that – I don’t suffer from lack of e-mails.) We need responsible juniors/seniors, college kids, teachers, parents at the Morgan Manning House from 11 – 4 or so both days. They work with kids and adults with the games & activities and help Judy as she needs. She also could use an assistant each day. This is a family thing that Walmart is supporting, but there tends to be more kids than adults. If even half of you know one adult or young person willing to spend a couple of festival hours there, there would be plenty of help. They also get to hear Golden Eagles String Band,10th Ward Boys, Allen Hopkins and more in the front yard. Please contact Judy at e-mail on Copy address line above or call her at 638-6517. You will be helping the festival and having fun at the same time.
I might note there are plenty of other volunteer jobs available as well. E-mail brockportartsfest2013@gmail. com if interested in other tasks like set up, tear down, vendor check in, hospitality, etc. Vendors start coming in at 7 pm on FRIDAY so there is pre work Friday from 3 on to get ready for check in and getting them set up. I think people tend to think that someone will do it, but the someone can also be you.
Thanks for whatever help you can engender. Next weekend (Aug. 2, the Suburban News Festival Insert will be published. Please look it over and read my letter to the editor if you get a chance.

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