Friday, May 31, 2013
Vote on June 18th for competent, capable, dedicated, people
Posted on 4:00 AM by Unknown
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Homeschoolers are assisted with college opportunities at Genesee Community College
Posted on 7:54 PM by Unknown
From The Daily News
BATAVIA — Genesee Community College offers options for homeschoolers to earn the required 24 college credits to satisfy New York State High School Equivalency Diploma requirements and gain credits toward a college degree.
Representatives from GCC will be available to discuss the college’s opportunities for homeschool students in the Exhibit Hall during the New York State LEAH (Loving Education at Home) Conference, Thursday 05/29/13 through Saturday 06/01/13 at Rochester Riverside Convention Center.
Brockport DPW paving King Street on Thursday, 05/30/13
Posted on 7:45 PM by Unknown
The Brockport Department Of Public Works is comprised of a talented and skilled group of people who keep our Village operating efficiently.
This is the final phase of the project on King Street which began several weeks ago with milling the old pavement, replacing some sewer lines and water lines, putting in new curbs, and finally laying down new asphalt road surface today.
I think it is a coincidence that the tax bills are being mailed tomorrow, Friday, May 31, 2013, and I am one of those people who am very pleased to pay my Village taxes. Having lived on King Street since October of 2005, I receive excellent, high quality, efficient services from Village employees at the Department of Public Works, the Police Department, Code Enforcement, etc.. Our tax money is being used to create and produce very satisfying value for the resources expended. Many thanks to Harry Donahue, Dave Moore, Linda Baker, and the rest of the great staff.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Proposal to turn over part of Kenyon St. to college - hearing today 05/28/13
Posted on 7:04 AM by Unknown
The Brockporter Historic House Of The Week - 46 King Street
Posted on 6:58 AM by Unknown
46 King Street currently owned by David Markham is the only single family residential house left on King Street. All the other houses are non owner occupied and used as rentals mostly to college students.
Markham bought the house in 2005 at an auction. The previous owner Sara Watts had lived at the property for 36 years. Prior to that the home was occupied by George Marks, a prominant electrician in Brockport. One of George's sons, George, Jr., was killed in Viet Nam in the 60s.
The house was built in 1840, and is a federal style brick house with a two story carriage barn in back built around the turn of the century in the early 1900s.
Earlier history is not known at the present time.
The house is assessed at $79,900.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Music For Brockport, NY - Where have All The Fowers Gone? - Pete Seeger
Posted on 8:01 AM by Unknown
Brockport Mayor, M. Connie Castaneda's, court case
Posted on 7:45 AM by Unknown
by Pam Ketchum
Regarding Connie Castaneda’s court case, it is amazing to me, that the judge has expressed concern that the charges against the mayor would discourage people from running for public office. As a landlord who has worked diligently to follow the law, I resent that anyone should feel sorry for the mayor or anyone else who breaks the law and might want to run for public office. The mayor is supposed to know the laws and the government that she represents. She should not lie about having a rental unit(s) in her house, she should have had the house inspected and registered and she should not encourage others (tenants) to hide the fact that they are renting from her.
She was asked a few years ago if she should recuse herself from voting on issues regarding rental properties because of her close ties with one of Brockport's largest landlords, Norm Giancursio. She said at the time "you can ask" but that she was not going to recuse herself. Now we know that at that time she was secretly renting out part of her house.
Fooling the public, breaking the law and taking advantage of our neighborhoods, trying to slowly, secretly convert properties into rentals - that is the technique that has been practiced frequently by a number of opportunist landlords. Ultimately this has changed the character, value and quality of life in the historic core of the Village of Brockport.
In recent years, the spread of rental properties is growing north of the canal and south into the Hillcrest Pkwy, Brookdale Rd and Coleman Creek neighborhoods. For some landlords, a favorite technique for landscaping is to slowly gravel, then pave over the lawn turning the yards into mega parking lots to provide parking for more and more tenants. If the landlord is lucky, they can buy a house on one street and then purchase the property next door and/ or one that backs up to it. This allows for a fabulous parking lot plus the added benefit of no mowing and landscape maintenance. The tenants can have super big, loud, fun parties in their “back lot” and maybe even set up a tent and performance stage for the year’s entertainment.
Supposedly there are laws in Brockport that are to prevent this sort of "development" but the mayor's style of code enforcement is not too heavy handed on such matters or concerns. I wonder if this judge or any judge would feel any concern for the neighbors of such illegally converted properties with poor code enforcement oversight.
To me, it is a sad situation for the law abiding people who purchased their house years ago and have had to watch the slow degeneration of neighboring houses and lots and the negative behavior of transient tenants. What judge is going to have concern for those homeowners and what mayor will have respect for their hard work. Is their hard work not as important as the "hard work" of rogue landlords?
Friday, May 24, 2013
The Brockporter Book Of The Week - Jeremiah's Hunger by Elizabeth Osta
Posted on 12:52 PM by Unknown
Jeremiah's Hunger by Elizabeth Osta begins in Ireland in May of 1847 when thousands of people were dying in Ireland from The Great Hunger caused by a fungal infection which ruined the potato crop for a few years in a row.
The story centers around Jeremiah and Margaret Buckley as they raise their children in the late 1800s the years of political unrest focusing on land reform so that tenant farmers could own their own land instead of rent it from rich Englishman.
The creative tension in the novel, based on historical facts, centers around the love and grief of the Buckley family and their neighbors.
I enjoyed this novel and would recommend it. A book discussion meeting was held at Lift Bridge Book Shop on May 14th and Elizabeth Osta, the author, was present giving the background of her writing of the book and her many trips to Ireland.
The book is available at the Lift Bridge Book Shop at 45 Main Street, Brockport, NY.
Editor's Note: The Brockporter Book Of The Week is a regular feature of the Brockporter Online News Magazine and appears most Fridays.
The story centers around Jeremiah and Margaret Buckley as they raise their children in the late 1800s the years of political unrest focusing on land reform so that tenant farmers could own their own land instead of rent it from rich Englishman.
The creative tension in the novel, based on historical facts, centers around the love and grief of the Buckley family and their neighbors.
I enjoyed this novel and would recommend it. A book discussion meeting was held at Lift Bridge Book Shop on May 14th and Elizabeth Osta, the author, was present giving the background of her writing of the book and her many trips to Ireland.
The book is available at the Lift Bridge Book Shop at 45 Main Street, Brockport, NY.
Editor's Note: The Brockporter Book Of The Week is a regular feature of the Brockporter Online News Magazine and appears most Fridays.
According to Suburban News, Mayor Castaneda is running for another term.
Posted on 12:28 PM by Unknown
Brockport Mayor M. Connie Castaneda has announced, according to the Suburban News, that she is seeking another term.
The legal charges of Official Misconduct which have been in adjudication since March of 2012 still are unresolved. A credible source has told the Brockporter that a plea bargain is being negotiated.
Castaneda is running against Margay Blackman, currently a Village Trustee, for Mayor.
The election is scheduled for June 18th.
The legal charges of Official Misconduct which have been in adjudication since March of 2012 still are unresolved. A credible source has told the Brockporter that a plea bargain is being negotiated.
Castaneda is running against Margay Blackman, currently a Village Trustee, for Mayor.
The election is scheduled for June 18th.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Schooling in Brockport
Posted on 6:16 AM by Unknown
The Brockport Central School budget, bus proposition, and board trustee election will be held on May 21, 2013 from 6:00 AM - 9 P.M. at the Technology and Training Center. For more information click here.
If you are interested in education and schooling in the United States, Sir Kenneth Robinson shared some interesting ideas at TED in April, 2013.
Homeschooling is an option, not for everyone, but for over 2 million Americans. There a several hundred children being homeschooled in the Brockport Central School District. Homeschooled children do above average in educational achievement.
If you are interested in education and schooling in the United States, Sir Kenneth Robinson shared some interesting ideas at TED in April, 2013.
Homeschooling is an option, not for everyone, but for over 2 million Americans. There a several hundred children being homeschooled in the Brockport Central School District. Homeschooled children do above average in educational achievement.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Reading the minutes - Recycling barrel project misses some steps - please try again
Posted on 7:40 AM by Unknown
From the Village Board Meeting Minutes of 04/09/13:
Recycling Project - Trustee Blackman updated all on the recycle barrels that appeared throughout the Village over the weekend.
She got in touch with Provost Ann Huot who is mentoring this group of freshman students to let her know that the containers are not at all compatible with our historic downtown and that they likely violate some codes and that the students should have come to the Village Board for permission.
Trustee Blackman said she had put the students in touch with Al Plumb of Alpco Recycling thinking he might do something positive in linking college and community. She told the students to keep her in the loop. She said she heard no more until they went to Harry with a set of proposed barrel locations. Then the ugly barrels appeared. Trustee Blackman said this can be turned into a “teachable moment” for a group that was trying to do something positive for the Village, but skipped a number of essential steps. She suggests that the group remove the barrels after this weekend, but definitely by 4/18 as the Village hosts the Landmark Society’s annual conference 4/19 & 4/20. This would give a little time to see if people even use the bins.
Mayor Castañeda said she spoke with DPW Spt. Donahue. Aesthetics are a concern, but safety and codes are the primary concerns. The bins have removable lids that are being used as Frisbees. She will be directing DPW to remove and store the bins.
Clerk Morelli shared having just attended a NYSDOT seminar and these bins would likely need a special permit from NYS DOT to be in the right of way on Route 19.
Trustee Blair said the barrels have been locked to posts. DPW would have to cut the locks. Mayor Castañeda said DPW Spt. Donahue could contact Al Plumb about the locks.
Trustee Blackman said should the students wish to proceed with a recycle project, they now have an outline of the process to get approvals.
Recycling Project - Trustee Blackman updated all on the recycle barrels that appeared throughout the Village over the weekend.
She got in touch with Provost Ann Huot who is mentoring this group of freshman students to let her know that the containers are not at all compatible with our historic downtown and that they likely violate some codes and that the students should have come to the Village Board for permission.
Trustee Blackman said she had put the students in touch with Al Plumb of Alpco Recycling thinking he might do something positive in linking college and community. She told the students to keep her in the loop. She said she heard no more until they went to Harry with a set of proposed barrel locations. Then the ugly barrels appeared. Trustee Blackman said this can be turned into a “teachable moment” for a group that was trying to do something positive for the Village, but skipped a number of essential steps. She suggests that the group remove the barrels after this weekend, but definitely by 4/18 as the Village hosts the Landmark Society’s annual conference 4/19 & 4/20. This would give a little time to see if people even use the bins.
Mayor Castañeda said she spoke with DPW Spt. Donahue. Aesthetics are a concern, but safety and codes are the primary concerns. The bins have removable lids that are being used as Frisbees. She will be directing DPW to remove and store the bins.
Clerk Morelli shared having just attended a NYSDOT seminar and these bins would likely need a special permit from NYS DOT to be in the right of way on Route 19.
Trustee Blair said the barrels have been locked to posts. DPW would have to cut the locks. Mayor Castañeda said DPW Spt. Donahue could contact Al Plumb about the locks.
Trustee Blackman said should the students wish to proceed with a recycle project, they now have an outline of the process to get approvals.
Reading the minutes - Summer serenades at Welcome Center on Thursday evenings
Posted on 7:30 AM by Unknown
From the Village Of Brockport board meeting minutes of 04/09/13:
Trustee William G. Andrews reports:
Greater Brockport Development Corporation - Trustee Andrews shared that GBDC has completed the Summer Serenades schedule. Most of the sponsors have been lined up.
Concerts will be on Thursdays in July beginning July 11th starting at 7pm and Thursdays in August starting at 6:30pm at the Welcome Center.
Trustee William G. Andrews reports:
Greater Brockport Development Corporation - Trustee Andrews shared that GBDC has completed the Summer Serenades schedule. Most of the sponsors have been lined up.
Concerts will be on Thursdays in July beginning July 11th starting at 7pm and Thursdays in August starting at 6:30pm at the Welcome Center.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Health Care Sunday - Risk of depression influenced by quality of relationships
Posted on 4:00 AM by Unknown
From Science News 04/30/13:
After analyzing data from nearly 5,000 American adults, the researchers found that the quality of a person's relationships with a spouse, family and friends predicted the likelihood of major depression disorder in the future, regardless of how frequently their social interactions took place.
Individuals with strained and unsupportive spouses were significantly more likely to develop depression, whereas those without a spouse were at no increased risk. And those with the lowest quality relationships had more than double the risk of depression than those with the best relationships.
For more information click here.
Editor's note: Health Care Sunday articles are a regular feature of the Brockporter Online Magazine which appear on most Sundays.
Apr. 30, 2013 — The mantra that quality is more important than quantity is true when considering how social relationships influence depression, say U-M researchers in a new study.
Individuals with strained and unsupportive spouses were significantly more likely to develop depression, whereas those without a spouse were at no increased risk. And those with the lowest quality relationships had more than double the risk of depression than those with the best relationships.
For more information click here.
Editor's note: Health Care Sunday articles are a regular feature of the Brockporter Online Magazine which appear on most Sundays.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Reading the minutes: The matter of the Village Newsletter
Posted on 6:26 AM by Unknown
From the Village of Brockport board meeting minutes of 04/09/13:
Newsletter – approve final draft & authorize Trustee Blair to proceed with printing/distribution plan –
Trustee Blair said he received proofing feedback from Clerk Morelli and Trustee Blackman and asked if anyone had any further suggested changes. He questioned whether the Board wished to approve the Mayor’s Message as submitted or utilize part of it from the Board as a whole.
Mayor Castañeda said she does not grant permission for the Board to edit her letter.
Trustee Blackman said the bulk of it was written from the perspective of the Board with a few exceptions that are proprietary to the Mayor.
Trustee Andrews suggested Trustee Blair meet with Mayor Castañeda and reach a compromise.
Trustee Blair said there are only a couple of lines that are not the feeling of the Board.
Trustee Blackman concurred and said she does not agree with a couple of lines.
Mayor Castañeda again said she does not grant permission for the Board to edit her letter.
Trustee Blair suggested Clerk Morelli place finalization of the newsletter on the next agenda.
Mayor Castañeda said many municipal newsletters have a letter of column from the Mayor or Supervisor. Regardless of whether her letter ends up being approved by the Board for the newsletter, she asked Clerk Morelli to insert it in these minutes.
This is the letter drafted by the Clerk for the Mayor:
Welcome to the Village of Brockport Newsletter.
The Village did a newsletter from 2000-2006 and is happy to reinstate it. We also encourage you to visit the Village website at and subscribe to receive updates.
The Board, Department Heads and Staff have worked very hard to “right the ship”. Purchasing controls were put in place. Spending was cut. Water rates were raised. A sewer user fee based on water consumption was implemented. Employee/retiree benefits were modified. Positions were eliminated or left vacant. Some staff took on more responsibilities. The Treasurer position saw turnover a few times. Equipment purchases were delayed. Projects were put on the back burner. Seymour Library took over handling their accounts payable and banking. Local Dispatch was eliminated. Paid Ambulance personnel were eliminated. Brockport Ambulance is now a private entity. Brockport Fire Department is now Brockport Fire District. Grant Writing was contracted.
I am happy to report we are more focused and in good financial shape. I thank those who helped turn things around and who stuck with us during very challenging times.
Thanks not only to the officials and employees, but the many volunteers who do so much for our community.
I am also appreciative of improved civility on the Village Board. We definitely do not agree on everything, and that is okay.
The Village’s mission statement is: “To provide a high quality of life for all residents, exercising fiscal responsibility and preserving Brockport’s unique heritage and historic character.” That mission is being taken seriously.
I have previously proposed and would like to see the Board agree to 1) apply for a grant to study improved efficiencies and possible consolidation of services and 2) put up for referendum the need for local Police.
As always, feel free to contact me with feedback.
Maria Connie Castañeda, Mayor
Newsletter – approve final draft & authorize Trustee Blair to proceed with printing/distribution plan –
Trustee Blair said he received proofing feedback from Clerk Morelli and Trustee Blackman and asked if anyone had any further suggested changes. He questioned whether the Board wished to approve the Mayor’s Message as submitted or utilize part of it from the Board as a whole.
Mayor Castañeda said she does not grant permission for the Board to edit her letter.
Trustee Blackman said the bulk of it was written from the perspective of the Board with a few exceptions that are proprietary to the Mayor.
Trustee Andrews suggested Trustee Blair meet with Mayor Castañeda and reach a compromise.
Trustee Blair said there are only a couple of lines that are not the feeling of the Board.
Trustee Blackman concurred and said she does not agree with a couple of lines.
Mayor Castañeda again said she does not grant permission for the Board to edit her letter.
Trustee Blair suggested Clerk Morelli place finalization of the newsletter on the next agenda.
Mayor Castañeda said many municipal newsletters have a letter of column from the Mayor or Supervisor. Regardless of whether her letter ends up being approved by the Board for the newsletter, she asked Clerk Morelli to insert it in these minutes.
This is the letter drafted by the Clerk for the Mayor:
Welcome to the Village of Brockport Newsletter.
The Village did a newsletter from 2000-2006 and is happy to reinstate it. We also encourage you to visit the Village website at and subscribe to receive updates.
It has been an interesting few years for the Village of Brockport. As Trustee July 2005 through June 2009 and Deputy Mayor July 2006 through June 2009 I learned quite a bit about municipal government and represented the Mayor at many functions and meetings.
As Mayor since July 2009, the Treasurer at that time, who had only started a few months prior,brought to my attention the troubling state of the Village’s finances. The Board inherited many problems. For years there was under-budgeting and over-spending. Water rates hadn’t kept up with costs. Therefore, we enlisted the help of outside auditors, municipal finance experts, and the NYS Comptroller’s Office. We were considered to be a municipality in “fiscal distress”.
A referendum was held on dissolution and defeated. Not enough was known as to what services would remain and what cost savings there would be, etc.
As Mayor since July 2009, the Treasurer at that time, who had only started a few months prior,brought to my attention the troubling state of the Village’s finances. The Board inherited many problems. For years there was under-budgeting and over-spending. Water rates hadn’t kept up with costs. Therefore, we enlisted the help of outside auditors, municipal finance experts, and the NYS Comptroller’s Office. We were considered to be a municipality in “fiscal distress”.
A referendum was held on dissolution and defeated. Not enough was known as to what services would remain and what cost savings there would be, etc.
The Board, Department Heads and Staff have worked very hard to “right the ship”. Purchasing controls were put in place. Spending was cut. Water rates were raised. A sewer user fee based on water consumption was implemented. Employee/retiree benefits were modified. Positions were eliminated or left vacant. Some staff took on more responsibilities. The Treasurer position saw turnover a few times. Equipment purchases were delayed. Projects were put on the back burner. Seymour Library took over handling their accounts payable and banking. Local Dispatch was eliminated. Paid Ambulance personnel were eliminated. Brockport Ambulance is now a private entity. Brockport Fire Department is now Brockport Fire District. Grant Writing was contracted.
I am happy to report we are more focused and in good financial shape. I thank those who helped turn things around and who stuck with us during very challenging times.
Thanks not only to the officials and employees, but the many volunteers who do so much for our community.
I am also appreciative of improved civility on the Village Board. We definitely do not agree on everything, and that is okay.
The Village’s mission statement is: “To provide a high quality of life for all residents, exercising fiscal responsibility and preserving Brockport’s unique heritage and historic character.” That mission is being taken seriously.
I have previously proposed and would like to see the Board agree to 1) apply for a grant to study improved efficiencies and possible consolidation of services and 2) put up for referendum the need for local Police.
As always, feel free to contact me with feedback.
Maria Connie Castañeda, Mayor
Reading the minutes - Brockport Village Board issues proclamation recognizing efforts of Social Work Students to publicize the problems of hunger, poverty, and homelessness in our country
Posted on 6:04 AM by Unknown
From Village of Brockport Board Meetin minutes of 04/09/13:
SUNY Social Work Club – “Tent City”
Trustee Andrews moved, Trustee Blair seconded, carried 5/0 to adopt the following proclamation:
WHEREAS, the Social Work Club at SUNY College at Brockport is spending the night of April 22-23,2013 in a “Tent City” on campus as a fund-raising project; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the said “Tent City” is to call attention to problems of Hunger, Poverty, andHomelessness and to solicit donations to alleviate those social ills; and
WHEREAS; the Brockport Ecumenical Food Shelf is one of the beneficiaries of that effort; and
WHEREAS; the said Food Shelf is greatly in need of such support; and
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Maria Connie Castañeda, Mayor of the Village of Brockport along with TrusteesAndrews, Blackman, Blair and Hannan do hereby proclaim April 22-23, 2013 to be TENT CITY DAYand encourage all our citizens to support that effort with generous donations.
IN WITNESS WHEROF, we hereby set our hand, and cause the Corporate Seal of the Village of Brockport to be affixed this 9thday of April, in the year 2013.
Heather Packer thanked the Board for the proclamation and encouraged community involvement.
Proceeds will go towards the Brockport Food Shelf, Alternatives for Battered Women, LAI, House of Mercy, etc.
For more from SUNY Brockport Stylus click here.
For more from SUNY Brockport Stylus click here.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Dear Emily - Why am I depressed?
Posted on 5:24 AM by Unknown
Dear Ms. Emily:
My depression often gets the better of me and I find myself being irritable, down in the dumps, not good company, and not wanting to do things. Don't get me wrong, I do do what I have to do and some how I get through my day, but like the song says, "What's it all about Alfie? Is it just a game we play?" How can I get myself out of this slump?
Dear Sam:
It does sound like you are depressed. Some people might suggest you see your doctor and try anti-depressants, but I am not sure that you can medicate your ennui away. It may be a spiritual crisis of sorts which you are experiencing without even knowing it. The three major questions which we all have to struggle with in life are: Why was I born? What is the purpose of my life? What happens to me when I die? It seems, at the current time, based on your question, that you are struggling with the second question, "What is the purpose of my life?"
Many people answer this question in many ways such as: to make money, to find love, to have as much fun as possible, to get high, to obtain power and control over others, to go shopping and consume material objects. None of these pursuits are very satisfying and fulfilling in the long run but they all are enticing in their short term thrills.
The real reason you are here on this earth, in this life, is to bring yourself and others to salvation. What that means is to give up the illusions of the ego and find the Love and Peace of God. The Love and Peace of God brings great joy. When you find a better way to live your life and get your life on a better track you become the Light of the world bringing God's Love and Grace first to yourself and then to everyone on your path. You do this through forgiveness. First, you must forgive yourself, because until you have purified your own spirit, you have little to share with anyone else. Then you forgive others and accept them in Love as yourself. This is hard to do at first, but gets easier as you overcome your fears and realize this is the will of God for you and you make it your own. You and God are a dynamic duo and working together you can move mountains.
The purpose of your life and the purpose of the lives of all of us is to become a teacher of God and bring about the healing of the world. We do this in millions of ways in a million places with millions of people all over the world. Give up the illusions and misperceptions of the ego and listen instead for the Voice of God which speaks to you and everyone all through the day.
The antidote to the depression is to look on the world in a different way. Love is there; we just have to overcome the obstacles and barriers to the awareness of its presence. As you become more aware you will notice you experience more peace and less anxiety and depression.
My depression often gets the better of me and I find myself being irritable, down in the dumps, not good company, and not wanting to do things. Don't get me wrong, I do do what I have to do and some how I get through my day, but like the song says, "What's it all about Alfie? Is it just a game we play?" How can I get myself out of this slump?
Dear Sam:
It does sound like you are depressed. Some people might suggest you see your doctor and try anti-depressants, but I am not sure that you can medicate your ennui away. It may be a spiritual crisis of sorts which you are experiencing without even knowing it. The three major questions which we all have to struggle with in life are: Why was I born? What is the purpose of my life? What happens to me when I die? It seems, at the current time, based on your question, that you are struggling with the second question, "What is the purpose of my life?"
Many people answer this question in many ways such as: to make money, to find love, to have as much fun as possible, to get high, to obtain power and control over others, to go shopping and consume material objects. None of these pursuits are very satisfying and fulfilling in the long run but they all are enticing in their short term thrills.
The real reason you are here on this earth, in this life, is to bring yourself and others to salvation. What that means is to give up the illusions of the ego and find the Love and Peace of God. The Love and Peace of God brings great joy. When you find a better way to live your life and get your life on a better track you become the Light of the world bringing God's Love and Grace first to yourself and then to everyone on your path. You do this through forgiveness. First, you must forgive yourself, because until you have purified your own spirit, you have little to share with anyone else. Then you forgive others and accept them in Love as yourself. This is hard to do at first, but gets easier as you overcome your fears and realize this is the will of God for you and you make it your own. You and God are a dynamic duo and working together you can move mountains.
The purpose of your life and the purpose of the lives of all of us is to become a teacher of God and bring about the healing of the world. We do this in millions of ways in a million places with millions of people all over the world. Give up the illusions and misperceptions of the ego and listen instead for the Voice of God which speaks to you and everyone all through the day.
The antidote to the depression is to look on the world in a different way. Love is there; we just have to overcome the obstacles and barriers to the awareness of its presence. As you become more aware you will notice you experience more peace and less anxiety and depression.
"Legacies from Our Mothers: Spiritual, Emotional, Material" presentation Sunday, May 12th, 10:00 AM at BUUF
Posted on 4:00 AM by Unknown
Public is invited to a presentation at the Brockport Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on Sunday, May 12th, at 10:00 AM at the Historic Church on Sweden Walker Rd. in Garland, NY.
For more information about BUUF go to
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Sculling Regatta from Spencerport to Brockport on May 4, 2013 as part of Low Bridge, High Water celebration activities
Posted on 7:53 AM by Unknown
The Sculling Regatta organized by John Bernfield raced from Spencerport to Brockport, about 8 miles, from 10:30 - 11:30 AM on Saturday morning, May 4th, 2013 as part of the five day Low Bridge, High Water celebration marking the opening of the 2013 canal season in New York State, its 189th season.
Entries (there were 19) in the regatta came from as far away as Cincinnati, Virginia, St. Catherines, Ontario making the Spencerport/Brockport Erie Canal corridor a tourist destination.
The Low Bridge, High Water five day celebration is the brain child of Brockport Trustee, Margay Blackman who was the chairperson of the Low Bridge, High Water planning committee along with Bill Andrews, Sri Ram Bakshi, Jacquie Davis, Colleen Farley, Joan Fenton, Richard Fenton, Alicia Fink, Pam Ketchum, Archie Kutz, Paul Wheat, and Brian Winant.
Give her flowers this Mother's Day from Roger's Flower Shop in Brockport, NY
Posted on 7:50 AM by Unknown
Third place winner in Low Bridge, High Water poster contest - Mia Monnier
Posted on 6:56 AM by Unknown
As part of the five day Low Bridge, High Water 2013 canal opening celebration in Brockport, NY there was a poster contest among the 4th graders at the Brockport Central Hill School. There were over 64 posters entered, and the poster above is the third place winner done by Mia Monnier.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Brian Stratton, Director of the New York State Canal Corporation, gives opening address of the 2013 Canal Season, the 189th, in Brockport, NY on May 4, 2013
Posted on 6:36 AM by Unknown
Brian Stratton, the Director of the New York State Canal Corporation, gives an address opening the 2013 Canal Season, which is the 189th in the canal's history, at the Welcome Center in Brockport, NY, on Saturday, May 4th, 2013.
As Director Stratton states usually the opening ceremony is held in Waterford, NY, the eastern terminus of the Erie Canal where it merges into the Hudson River down by Albany, but this year due to the efforts of Brockport Trustee, Margay Blackman, the ceremony was held in Brockport the western terminus of the canal from 1823 - 1825 when it was being constructed.
This address and ceremony is the keystone of the first Low Bridge, High Water celebration which has run five days from May 1 - May 5th the brain child and organized by Brockport Trustee Margay Blackman and her committee: Bill Andrews, Sri Ram Bakshi, Jacquie Davis, Colleen Farley, Joan Fenton, Richard Fenton, Alicia Fink, Pam Ketchum, Archie Kutz, Paul Wheat, and Brian Winant.
This event has put Brockport on the map and was covered by the Associated Press leading to articles in the Wall Street Journal, Long Island's newspaper, Newsday, and many others.
There was a sculling regatta from Spencerport to Brockport which brought people to Brockport from Cincinatti, Virginia, St. Catherines, Ontario and many other places in New York State. There also, was a 5-K race in Corbett park and many other events and activities which has made Brockport a unique tourist destination at this time of year.
Many thanks to Trustees Blackman, Hannan, Blair, and Andrews for putting Brockport on the map and highlighting the historical and recreational value of our Village.
New Garden Enclosure in front of Lift Bridge Book Shop at 45 Main Street, Brockport
Posted on 5:26 AM by Unknown
Garden enclosures, a project of ProBrockport, have begun to appear on Main Street and Market Street in Brockport. There are 20 which are 6' square on Main Street, 2 which are 7' x 6' on Main Street, and 4 which are 4' square on Market Street. This one is sponsored by Pat and Archie Kutz.
For more information click here.
Low Bridge, High Water Second Place Poster Contest winner - Gisela Allen
Posted on 5:06 AM by Unknown
As part of the Low Bridge, High Water Celebration in 2013 in Brockport, NY from May 2 through May 5th, there was a poster contest among 4th graders at the Brockport Hill School. There were 64 entries and this was the second place winner, a poster by Gisela Allen.
Reading the minutes - Sure sign of spring: Sidewalk seating hits the street
Posted on 4:54 AM by Unknown
From the Village Board meeting minutes of 04/09/13:
Sidewalk Café Permit Applications – Clerk Morelli referred to the 3 applications included in the packet and said she expects an application from Java Junction but has not yet received it. Trustee Blair moved, Trustee Andrews seconded, carried 5/0 to approve applications for sidewalk café permit for the 2013 season for Burrito Fresco at 77 Main Street, Perri’s Pizza at 82 Main Street, Main Street Pizzeria at 13 Main Street – limited to 2 tables and 8 chairs (plus umbrellas and trash receptacle) daily from 11am to 9pm. Tables and chairs must match and be kept in good repair. They should be against the building only in front of the restaurant’s storefront. They must provide their own trash receptacle for use during café hours as pulling a Village trash receptacle near the café is frowned upon.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Sunday Sermon - Don't believe everything you think for you are blessed as a son or daughter of God
Posted on 8:46 AM by Unknown
One of my favorite bumper stickers reads, “Don’t believe everything you think.” The thoughts of the world from which we suffer for the most part are illusions which we project based on our fears.
Our first fear is for our body and that our body might die.
Our second fear is that our will will be thwarted and unfulfilled.
Our third fear is that we will be deprived and suffer lack and others will have more.
Our fourth fear is that we are inadequate and defective in some way and therefore unlovable.
Our fifth fear is that we will not have a good life and fail in achieving our hopes, dreams, and aspirations.
And the sixth fear is fearing fear itself.
Our fears torment us and cause great suffering for ourselves and others and as it reads in A Course In Miracles in the Manual For Teachers, “Yet it is time alone that winds on wearily, and the world is very tired now. It is old and worn and without hope. There was never a question of outcome, for what can change the Will Of God?” MT.1.4:4-6
The Course teaches us, as Jesus did, that God not only loves us, but loves us abundantly and what it takes to experience this love is a change of our minds and hearts. We must deny the reality of our projections which are illusory, and focus our minds instead on loving and blessing, first ourselves, and then others. As St. Paul says in his letter to the Romans “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Bringing our will into alignment with God’s will for us allows us to experience the power of God’s love for us and the world, and hastens the Atonement.
Lesson 40 in the Workbook of the Course in Miracles reads, “I am blessed as a Son of God.” The text in the review of this lesson reads,
“Herein lies my claim to all good and only good. I am blessed as a Son of God. All good things are mine, because God intended them for me. I cannot suffer any loss or deprivation or pain because of Who I am. My Father supports me, protects me, and directs me in all things. His care for me is infinite, and is with me forever. I am eternally blessed as His Son.”
Jesus demonstrated this in his crucifixion. They killed his body but not his spirit. He died forgiving his torturers and executioners. He rose above the illusion that they could execute his soul. Jesus demonstrated that our souls do not die but are one with God forever. Herein lies the peace of God. Not everyone is ready to understand this knowledge, but some are, and those who are bring peace to themselves and to the world.
Health Care Sunday - Weekend binge drinking can cause lasting liver damage
Posted on 4:00 AM by Unknown
From Science News 04/30/13:
Long after a hangover, a night of bad decisions might take a bigger toll on the body than previously understood. Described in the current issue of Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, a study at the University of Missouri has revealed a unique connection between binge drinking and the risk for developing alcoholic liver disease and a variety of other health problems.
For more click here.
Editor's note: Health Care Sunday is a regular feature of the Brockporter Online News Magazine which appears most Sundays. Binge drinking is considered 4 or more drinks within 2 hours for women and 5 or more drinks within 2 hours for men. "A drink" is 12 oz of beer, 4 oz of wine, 1 1/2 oz of hard liquor.
Long after a hangover, a night of bad decisions might take a bigger toll on the body than previously understood. Described in the current issue of Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, a study at the University of Missouri has revealed a unique connection between binge drinking and the risk for developing alcoholic liver disease and a variety of other health problems.
For more click here.
Editor's note: Health Care Sunday is a regular feature of the Brockporter Online News Magazine which appears most Sundays. Binge drinking is considered 4 or more drinks within 2 hours for women and 5 or more drinks within 2 hours for men. "A drink" is 12 oz of beer, 4 oz of wine, 1 1/2 oz of hard liquor.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Erie Canal tug boat, the Dewitt Clinton, arrived in Brockport at the Welcome Center on May 4, 2013, carrying dignitaries for the 2013 Canal Season opening ceremony
Posted on 9:11 PM by Unknown
On Saturday, May 4, 2013, the tug boat, the Dewitt Clinton, arrived in Brockport, NY at the Welcome Center with dignitaries for the 2013 Canal opening Ceremony. Some of the dignitaries included Monroe County legislator, Mike Rockow, and the Director of the New York State Canal Corporation, Brian Stratton.
Brockport Village Trustee, Bill Andrews, says a few words about Erie Canal history at 2013 Canal opening ceremony in Brockport, NY on Saturday, May 4, 2013
Posted on 8:30 PM by Unknown
Brockport Village Trustee and historian Bill Andrews says a few words at the Canal 2013 opening ceremony in Brockport, NY on 05/04/13 at the Welcome Center.
First place poster at Low Bridge, High Water celebration on May 4, 2013
Posted on 8:21 PM by Unknown
As part of the 5 day Low Bridge, High Water canal opening celebration in Brockport, NY, there was a poster contest amongst fourth graders at the Brockport Hill School. Over 64 entries were received and the first place winner was Morgan Monnier.
The winning posters can be seen at A Different Path Gallery on Market Street in Brockport, NY.
Reading the minutes - Attorney appointed to defend village and Chief Varrenti in Norm Giancursio's law suit
Posted on 4:00 AM by Unknown
From the Village Board Meeting Minutes of 03/26/13:
Trustee Blair moved, Trustee Blackman seconded, Mayor Castañeda abstained / recused herself,
carried 4/0/1 to appoint Daniel T. Cavarello, Esq. attorney assigned by the Village’s insurance carrier in the matter of Norman C. Giancursio versus Daniel P. Varrenti individually and in his official capacity as the Chief of Police of the Village of Brockport Police Department and the Village of Brockport and to allow him to accept service on behalf of both.
Trustee Blair moved, Trustee Blackman seconded, Mayor Castañeda abstained / recused herself,
carried 4/0/1 to appoint Daniel T. Cavarello, Esq. attorney assigned by the Village’s insurance carrier in the matter of Norman C. Giancursio versus Daniel P. Varrenti individually and in his official capacity as the Chief of Police of the Village of Brockport Police Department and the Village of Brockport and to allow him to accept service on behalf of both.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Low Bridge, High Water events for Saturday, May 4th, 2013
Posted on 7:57 AM by Unknown
11:30 A.M. Sculling regatta arrives at Welcome Center in Brockport from Spencerport
11:30 - 1:00 PM "Canal songs" by Golden Eagle String Band at Welcome Center
12:00 PM - Official Canal Opening Ceremony with Regatta and Poster Contest Awards, Welcome Center
2:00 PM "Barge Charge" 5K Race at Corbett Park on Smith and Clark Street
4:30 - 8:00 PM "Taste Of Brockport" starts at Welcome Center (Tickets are $20.00 purchased at the Welcome Center or from any participant)
11:30 - 1:00 PM "Canal songs" by Golden Eagle String Band at Welcome Center
12:00 PM - Official Canal Opening Ceremony with Regatta and Poster Contest Awards, Welcome Center
2:00 PM "Barge Charge" 5K Race at Corbett Park on Smith and Clark Street
4:30 - 8:00 PM "Taste Of Brockport" starts at Welcome Center (Tickets are $20.00 purchased at the Welcome Center or from any participant)
"Spring Is In The Air" at BUUF this Sunday, 05/05/13, at 2:00 PM - Bring the kids
Posted on 5:17 AM by Unknown
Brockporter Book Of The Week - May The Road Rise Up To Meet You by Peter Troy
Posted on 5:08 AM by Unknown
May The Road Rise Up To Meet You by Peter Troy is the book selection this year, 2013, of the A Tale For Three Counties program of the libraries of Orleans, Genesee, and Wyoming Counties. It is a tale of Ethan McOwen who leaves Ireland in 1847 at the time of The Hunger to come to New York City as a 12 year old boy. The story then moves into his involvement in the civil war as well as a subtext about the experience of people who were slaves and became free.
The creative tension is developed by twin themes of hardship due to war and family conflicts, and love in two compelling love stories about Ethan and Marcella, and two slaves, Micah and Mary.
Troy is a lyrical writer who uses Irish and slave dialects which make the text interesting without it being too difficult to read.
I liked May The Road Rise Up To Meet You and would give a 3.5 on a 5 point scale.
Editor's note: The Brockporter Book Of The Week is a regular feature of the Brockporter Online News Magazine which appears most Fridays. If you have a book review you would like to share with the readers of the Brockporter, please send it to My copy of May The Road Rise Up To Meet You is available, free, to the first person who requests it by sending an email of request with mailing information to
The creative tension is developed by twin themes of hardship due to war and family conflicts, and love in two compelling love stories about Ethan and Marcella, and two slaves, Micah and Mary.
Troy is a lyrical writer who uses Irish and slave dialects which make the text interesting without it being too difficult to read.
I liked May The Road Rise Up To Meet You and would give a 3.5 on a 5 point scale.
Editor's note: The Brockporter Book Of The Week is a regular feature of the Brockporter Online News Magazine which appears most Fridays. If you have a book review you would like to share with the readers of the Brockporter, please send it to My copy of May The Road Rise Up To Meet You is available, free, to the first person who requests it by sending an email of request with mailing information to
The Brockporter Movie Of The Week - Identity Thief
Posted on 4:49 AM by Unknown
From the Internet Movie Data Base:
"Sandy Patterson (Jason Bateman) gets a nice call confirming his name and other identifying information. The next thing he knows, a spa in Florida is reminding him of his appointment, and his credit cards are maxed out. With his identity stolen, Sandy leaves his wife, kids and job to literally bring the thief to justice in Colorado. But keeping tabs on the other Sandy (Melissa McCarthy) and run-ins with bounty hunters, is harder than he was expecting, and ultimately the cross-country trip is going to find both Sandys learning life tips from one another."
The critics panned it but I love it. The movie is funny, farcical at times, and has a socially redeeming message. It is still playing in Rochester at Movies 10 in Brighton where you can get in for a buck or two.
Editor's note: The Brockporter Film Of The Week is a regular feature of the Brockporter Online News Magazine which appears most Fridays. If you have a film review that you would like to share with readers of The Brockporter, please send it to
"Sandy Patterson (Jason Bateman) gets a nice call confirming his name and other identifying information. The next thing he knows, a spa in Florida is reminding him of his appointment, and his credit cards are maxed out. With his identity stolen, Sandy leaves his wife, kids and job to literally bring the thief to justice in Colorado. But keeping tabs on the other Sandy (Melissa McCarthy) and run-ins with bounty hunters, is harder than he was expecting, and ultimately the cross-country trip is going to find both Sandys learning life tips from one another."
The critics panned it but I love it. The movie is funny, farcical at times, and has a socially redeeming message. It is still playing in Rochester at Movies 10 in Brighton where you can get in for a buck or two.
Editor's note: The Brockporter Film Of The Week is a regular feature of the Brockporter Online News Magazine which appears most Fridays. If you have a film review that you would like to share with readers of The Brockporter, please send it to
Today, Friday, 05/03/13, Low Bridge, High Water events
Posted on 4:38 AM by Unknown
Donna Winter, the author of The Bluebird Of Brockport, will be signing books at the Alumni House on Utica Street from 4:00 - 6:00 PM.
Stone Soup Auction fundraiser for the Stacey Kirby canal mural will be at Brockport High School. Viewing of items begins at 6:30 PM and the auction will be at 7:00 PM.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Today, Thursday, May 2, Low Bridge, High Water events
Posted on 4:46 AM by Unknown
Today, Thursday, May 2, the Low Bridge, High Water celebrations events include Bill Andrews presenting a slide presentation at Seymour Library, 161 East Avenue, Brockport, NY on "From Clinton's Ditch To The Barge Canal" at 7:30 P.M.
At 8:00 PM Stacey Kirby, a Brockport area artist, will present her design of a historic canal mural she will be working on this fall, 2013, which will be placed on the exterior wall of the DPW building on East Avenue in Brockport when it is completed.
The event at the Library is free.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Music For Brockport, NY - Spirit In The Sky, Norman Greenbaum
Posted on 10:01 AM by Unknown
Editor's note: Music For Brockport, NY is a regular feature of the Brockporter Online News Magazine which appears most Wednesdays.
Reading the minutes - Brockport Police Stetson Club sponsoring 5K and Pizza tasting during High Water, Low Bridge celebration days 5/4, and 5/5
Posted on 5:36 AM by Unknown
From the Village of Brockport Board meeting minutes of 03/26/13:
Brian Winant of the Brockport Stetson Club – shared that he is part of the committee organizing
the canal season opening events. The 2 events they are coordinating are a 5K – Saturday, 5/4 at 2pm
and “Pizza Wars” to determine who has the best pizza in the Brockport area – Sunday, 5/5 at Noon.
He also presented a check for $200 to the Treasurer and said that $100 is to go to the celebration events and $100 is to go to the Memorial tree and plaque for former Mayor Jim Stull – Friday, 4/26.
Brian Winant of the Brockport Stetson Club – shared that he is part of the committee organizing
the canal season opening events. The 2 events they are coordinating are a 5K – Saturday, 5/4 at 2pm
and “Pizza Wars” to determine who has the best pizza in the Brockport area – Sunday, 5/5 at Noon.
He also presented a check for $200 to the Treasurer and said that $100 is to go to the celebration events and $100 is to go to the Memorial tree and plaque for former Mayor Jim Stull – Friday, 4/26.
Reading the minutes - Village Board votes to overrride 2% tax cap
Posted on 5:31 AM by Unknown
From Brockport Village Board meeting minutes for 03/26/13:
Mayor Castañeda commented that municipalities can adopt the tax cap override as a precaution to
protect against penalties for any miscalculations. She said the budget she has submitted has a 2.9%
tax levy decrease.
Trustee Blair said the Village Board adopted the tax cap override last year as did many other municipalities as a precaution. He said K. Rombaut is correct in that the Village no longer funds the Fire Department through its budget/taxes. However, like many struggles with double digit health care and retirement costs. Adopting the tax cap override is a “just in case”.
Trustee Hannan said NYCOM even recommends doing so in the event there is an error in calculation. Even a minor error could result in penalties. It is a failsafe to protect against penalties.
→ Trustee Hannan moved, Trustee Blackman seconded, Mayor Castañeda opposed, carried 4/1 to adopt Local Law #1-2013 as follows:
For more click here
Buy a garden enclosure for downtown Brockport as an individual or group
Posted on 4:00 AM by Unknown
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